Stepping In Seward Park...
As I see people stepping in Seward Park In the summertime,
It hearkens me back to when I was in my prime.
Running up and down the stairs going to various apartments and playing with friends,
Never once feeling deprived of anything not love not attention nor financial ends.
As the dancing couples twist and turn each other I smile,
Because it reminds me of the love my parents
shared when I was a child.
As they bop and sway to beautiful songs like Deja Vu, I've Been Here Before by Teena Marie and Res' "For WhoYou Are,
It reminds me of times we use to jump into my mom's mustard yellow colored car.
As the DJ spins the nostalgic tunes,
It makes me think of warm afternoons.
When the Jesse White Tumblers would enter
Seward Park or Lower North Center.
Times when music blared throughout the buildings, yet not disturbing
a soul,
Simpler times when people were not so cold.