ts735bSTUDENT10 | Poetry Vibe
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I re: egret forsaking gull friend where, heron eye twitter


first love

Views: 109

Fictional account related
courtesy one pink flamingo.

Aves lusting for verboten tweet
reed lubricious sin after giving

Twiggy another peck on the cheek.

Whenever this birdman

alone with his thoughts

(as they metaphorically

worm their way to my nest

of quintessentially straggly,

and uncombed matted hair),

I doth twitter tomb

eye self unbeknownst that

a flock of seagulls fly

like an eagle twittering


morning mister magpie

while dipping and diving

on peregrine wings fluttering

at the speed of sound owls

watching without giving hoot

unless aware someone maliciously

poisoning pigeons in the park,

(one doubting thomas - leering)

perhaps a lunatic ranting and raven

whooping crane like, whooshing


to rise like a Phoenix, yet grudgingly

accepting fate as a stool pigeon,

even settling with destiny

as the cutty wren, a lark

ascending, pontification asper

observations of a crow keeping beak

clamped shut surreptitiously scrutinizing

the ostrich (with her/ his head

buried in the sand), or noticing

how the sparrow looks up


at the machine, which appears

to by an audio device issuing

the thieving magpie overture

alight with such braggadocio

and effecting a birds eye view

of determining contrasted

with the ugly duckling left friendless

and instantly bringing to mind

that somber tune when doves cry

setting the impossible to shake off


feeling emotionally caged,

though with utmost exertion muster

humming when the red red robin

comes bob bob bobbin along eager

to join a whir thee claws such

as when the swallows come back

from Capistrano (with an un spa

beak able aromatic deliciously

decadent Reuben manwich –

an American hot sandwich

composed of corned beef, Swiss cheese,


sauerkraut, and Russian dressing,

grilled between slices of rye bread)

interestingly enough the vicinity

wheresoever eagles gather

all the while wondering

if woody woodpecker, now a free bird

(after aphid david imbroglio) –

an accusation where plaintiff

accused of feathering the nest -

did tern out favorable, or whether


the filed aphid dove hid –

juiced when the believed

by this American avocet and done,

an unexpected eggs add jure

rated claim fed the media,

and seedy shenanigans

Toucan entire troops of Archaeopteryx

to placate all parties concern,

that crested gobbledygook to end

finally delivered peace plover.

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