Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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  double ruby
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just different

Views: 217


In the temporal rift

Falling through time/space

 Having prepared for half an eternity

Endowed with a gift of a discerning

Of telepathic historical Astro graphics

Not merely satisfied to be cast adrift

In the gist of it, having an unparalleled grasp

for the task. Finding solutions for orbital calculus

while performing multidimensional analysis

Spontaneously grasping advanced concepts

suitable for identifying factors of the universal equation by differential analysis. Playing with discrete variables turns me on. Makes me practically ecstatic. Being a borderline fanatic

Loving to go deep into mathematic


Acts defying the laws of physics

Rewriting temporal






Copyright ©2023 Charles Edward Fields 2

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mrmelody7 says:

Heavy duty write OBE Outta body experience time traveler

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mlowe5 says:

So Beautiful to C U back to B'n U, C2. As the Ancestors say, "To not know is bad; to not wish to know is worst." Love this write. ONE. Peace and Love, Millard Lowe (mlowe5)
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Charles2 says:

Thank you mrmelody7/Gotta have big mojo to outwit the demon/thru time
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Charles2 says:

mlowe5, thank you. Still working out the formulas to getting it right

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