Ms.PoeticPassion | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 225
Sometimes we speak words not meant to be spoken. All in our feelings Tongues drunken with words of hate and anger. Mind so corrupt . Not caring who we hurt. Gossip and spreading lies, Sometimes the words we speak are not to be spoken. Never knowing the truth of the person you are speaking to. They will take your words and twist them all around. So watch who you talk around. Better yet keep your drunken tongue of lies to yourself!

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Belindathapoet says:

Thud is so true!! Excellent Job

Belindathapoet says:

This is so true!! Excellent Job

Ms.PoeticPassion says:

Thanks so much

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Colette says:

I heard that saying about a drunk person, lol. And there is wisdom in silence, so it's best sometimes to just keep quiet. Great write!

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mlowe5 says:

Indeed, we must not allow self-inflicted mental drunkenness to cause us to spiritually forget that we are in control of the word; that the word is not in control of us---except that of the Giver of divine wisdom and guidance. ONE. Peace and Love.

Ms.PoeticPassion says:

Yeeeessss ...Mlowe5! Much love and respect.

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