Once more and again, today is
The day the Lord has made; thus
Let us be glad and rejoice in it.
Let us be aware that despite
Today’s testing trials and tribulations,
We must not wallow in despair.
Rather, let us journey onward
Traveling on the wings of the wind
In our emancipation journey:-
Indeed, long before these trying times,
It was written that God in his righteous
Deeds will bring justice to the oppressed.
Today, let us be aware that although the weight
Of oppression is heavy upon us, we must continue
To soar diligently—as eagles—towards liberation.
Dearly beloved, be aware that when tomorrow
Becomes its day, oppression’s day shall end
And our burdens shall be as a feather in the air.
Thus, let us give praises, joy, and thanksgiving
That today, we are once again perpendicular
In our life’s journey toward liberating grace.