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What Does Women Want?



Views: 434

Every man on this planet has asked himself this question, What women want?
for such a simple question, the answer is sure to taunt
Nowadays women are so complex
that it's hard to narrow their list down in this here text

I've heard that a woman wants a good man, yet are unsure
Because she like to carry a ton of emotional baggage, to her he's still poor
She wants recognition, yet forgot to mention
that she's not alone, yet she continues to cry out for attention

Women want independence, yet can't stand alone
Constantly seeking companionship with something or someone that they can't own
Women want understanding, yet live in confusion
getting mentally exhausted from a self convoluted illusion

One would think from this a straight forward answer can be provided
But instead chaos comes from every direction, which leaves the brain divided
Until a man can truly understand a woman, this question will forever haunt
His logical reasoning, on What Does Women Want?

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