Belindathapoet  | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 82000
contest winner
Hey Poetryvibe Family!! I been away for awhile but "I'M BACK!!!"

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Total poems - 365 days   82

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Second Chances


just different

Views: 159

If the FIRST ATTEMPT didn't work out;

Don't give up on your GOALS!!

You just need to REROUTE yourself.

Like a game of cards DON'T FOLD!!

Just give yourself a BREAK, and

Give your idea a GLANCE,

Don't WAVE THE WHITE FLAG, because 

Here comes your SECOND CHANCE!!

when at first you don't succeed;

just try that thing again,

PERSEVERANCE is the key,

Keep going and you will win!!!

Sometimes you have to FAIL;

It feels like it'll NEVER END,

Brush off your SHOULDERS, and

 give it ANOTHER GO,

Don't throw in the towel 




Date: 03/29/2023






















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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Indeed. All too often, the first try reveals what does not work and why; thus providing wisdom in moving on in perseverance. Nice write. Peace and Love.

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