The case for Black american reparations - part 1 They constantly paint black americans as the villain...
Like we have no value, as our blood is spillin’
Innocent lives, men, women, and children
Enslaved for centuries, working for free, to build an american empire
As other ethic enclaves were raised, ours were burned by fire
Buried, AND flooded with water!
Pennies is what I’ll leave my poor daughter
As the last names of my ancestors' slavemaster kin
Whose net worth compared to mine, is multiplied by a factor of ten!
But the playing field is level and things are so much better?
Reparations aren’t necessary for 'YOU PEOPLE,' cuz you're no longer bound by a chain or a fetter?
As billions of dollars are sent monthly to Israel and Ukraine
Why are Black Americans who demand land, education and opportunity d... |
Imma be ubiquitous! When I was younger, I’d always ask why
Now that I’m old, I ask how
Things that I was too afraid to try, I do now!
I’ve seen and done so many things, that nothing is ‘really’ new
If I traveled back into the past
Sitting in the back of my 3rd grade class
I’d be the fool!
Standing on my desk and yelling at our teacher, ‘that’s just not true!’
When you said that Cristopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue
He never even made it to America, with the Nina, Pinta, or Santa Maria crew!
So why do you keep telling us these ridiculous lies, ma’am?!
You know what, I don’t even give a damn!
I’m out this #%!+?, cuz I got a plan!
I know everything that about to happen, so Imma 'bout to be the man!
Remember this day, and recognize my name
In about 20 years, but not for th... |
Cling Cling Cling (oh you Cappin!) - SNL parody/remix Cling cling cling!
Oh you Cappin!
Ooh..ah... Cling cling cling cling cling!
Man you cappin!
Drip splash, water, drip splash, water...
Fake news, why they choose, lies over facts when...
They act or speak?
Lights, camera, action, the plot's so weak!
The book was better?
Are those kicks plastic or leather?
Oh me, yeah, 4 sho’ I’m better!
Far from famous
But these rhymes might be dangerous
Lithium ions spark fast to melt that Stainless…
Steel Cybertruck, zero to a buck
Under 5 seconds, in a gas truck!
Left a huge cloud puff
In my wake, nothing but dust!
Burnt rubber and regret
Knew you was cappin', when you made that bet!
Thought you could beat me on any track?
It don’t matter, in a race, or if we Battle Rap
Imma call cap!

An author’s nightmare Writing a book, and getting someone to buy and then read it…
Self published, so you must be a little conceited
Like folks in reality shows, rubbing sticks together to make fire
Hands calloused and bleeding, the situation is dire…
Rewarded with nothing but smoke, sweat, and char
They only care about wizards, comic books and vampires, so your stories are subpar
Still you are your own worst critic
Motivated at times, but you often regret that you ever did it…
Success should be the fact that you actually wrote it
But your greed wants readers to recommend and then quote it!
Thought you’d do something different, like a contestant singing acapella
Gave them scoops of Rocky Road
But all they really wanted was vanilla…
Confused, you choose to believe that eventually someone will see
Years ... |
Take a hit of these themes, and I promise you’ll get addicted! 20 declined submissions on my Submittable tracker
Nothing beats a failure but a try, but why do I, still feel wacker?
Than all of the award winners, chosen by all of the judges...
With a chip on my shoulder, I continue to write, despite my ego’s grudges
Tears drop on crinkled pages, causing hundreds of ink smudges
On the other side of the doors, that I’ve long been knocking on
Hide hundreds of annoyed residents, hoping that I’d just get off of their damn lawn
My message is unwanted gospel, like I’m a Jehovah’s Witness
Darkening thousands of doorsteps, now I’m the picture of fitness!
Counting my steps, by the law of averages, eventually someone will let me in...
Poor ignorant souls, at least I can relieve some of their sin
A writer’s complex, vexed, hoping that... |
Divine rhyme Nothing beats a failure but a try
Writers, scientists, and athletes all know why
Celebrating wins and taking losses in stride
Are the keys to success, way more important than ego and pride
How many shots missed, paragraphs edited
And experiments gone wrong, that never get credited
For the all of the breakthroughs and championships
If I had a dollar for each incomplete poem and every short story script
I’d be a millionaire, not in a room full of papers crumpled and ripped…
Up in frustration, arguing with myself, pacing
Trying to best express my ideas in a sentence or paragraph
The Gods must be crazy, so I won’t show them my wrath...
Rather just explain
In language so plain
The ideas that they put into MY head...
These rhymes are divine, do you understand what I just said?
What’s struggle in utopia? You know how boring a video game becomes?
When you have cheat codes for infinite lives and all of the ammo and guns?
That’s were millions of Americans are now, in the present day
Want for not, plenty of food, entertainment, security and pay
Wants and needs used to be like Christmas Day
But now, Americans can have almost anything at any time
They get away with a petty crime
Because it’s like they have Diplomatic Immunity
On a daily basis, they act with impunity
Secure with their health, family, a career, a future, and purpose
Time may change everything soon, they are getting nervous
Soon their kids will graduate and leave
And their parents will transition and they'll be the bereaved
All of the challenges that we once faced now flipped
Children become parent... |
How ideas die People, organizations, churches, the government, and corporations never want to hear
The truth, ideas, and criticism for fear
Of change, due to the status quo
That and fear is all that they know!
You might get new computers, software, or even a different type of report
But you’ll be met with disbelief whenever you decide to retort
The way that things have always been
During your next Bible study, challenge the word of God and you will surely offend
All of your sisters and brothers will accuse you of heresy and sin
Healthcare for all and reparations for the descendants of slaves?
Rather generational debt and unmarked graves
During your next work meeting Q&A, share a novel idea or pivot
That may improve the build or sales of your company’s services or widgets
You’ll be thanked for your feedback and told ‘that&r... |
The future is scary Nothing was ever the same
I’m hungry as hell, and there’s a chip buzzing inside of my brain!
We messed up the environment, so the planet is lame
Ain’t seen electricity or kindness in years, and I think I’m going insane!
Material possessions are as a useless as the paper and plastic after a Monopoly game
So my hard earned cash is stored and stacked up with the board
Just in case the game begins again, and maybe then the almighty lord
Will put the genie back into the bottle, because ignorance was bliss
I was looking forward to the future
But I never imagined this…
New Africa In the not too distant future, an earthquake instantly creates a new land
Less Atlantic Ocean, more African sand
An entire new island, about the size of Japan!
Full of oil, gold, and trillions in other natural resources
Dozens of European, Asian, and American military and Air Forces
Try (in vain) to claim the world’s newest continent
But New Africa belongs to old Africa, justice for centuries of time spent!
Mistreated, enslaved, robbed, killed, and haunted like a ghost
The world’s most valuable place (and people) finally gets what it deserves most
When a new world appears off of Africa’s west coast!