Royale jones | Poetry Vibe
Royale jones
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 48300
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Willy Wonka



Views: 429

This I'm on cloud 9

With these whipped cream dreams

Pecan surprise

And almond shaped eyes

Chocolate covered fruits

And caramel roots

Champagne lies

And strawberry truths

Sugar made flutes

Butter Scotch proof

Rum raisin goofs

Honey roasted nuts fall throughs

Praline cream streams

Spicy cinnamon things

Coconut flings

Philadelphia cheesecake wings

Caramelized apple tease

Cherry pie that's always right

A double scoop of vanilla late at night

Sweet Italian Riesling that feels so right

Mexican chocolate with a little bit

Angel food cake with fluff on all sides

pretzels dipped

Edible Cotton candy lipstick, and panties to ingest

And one hell of a sweet tooth

For all of this

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Contest Winner  

chispoken says:

By no means my usual cup of tea as far as reading a poem, however, this is pure art. Not just the rhyme scheme but the overall delivery and word choice. Dope

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