my truth is in my tears
when I cry it's serious
like when a storm touches
down I see red green leaves
my heart when I feel blue
I don't know what to do
with out you I feel like I'm
a child all over again
told I can't when I know
I can go out into the world
be all I can be why join
the army when I'm already
a soldier marching off
to war fighting every where
I go across this land
not looking for handout
don't want to stand out
begging for morsels
of bread when i know
can knead the dough
to bake my own if I steal
a loaf I'm wrong and it won't
be long before I'm in chains
when the dollar collapse
the curse will lift the veil
to see under the skirt
we always been in hell
from the time we been born
stand back let it all fall
been here through it all
and it never fails like the
old folk tales from the
rabbit foot to the bunny trail it's a hop skip and jump