Royale jones | Poetry Vibe
Royale jones
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 48300
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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  4 star general
Total poems   234
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Total poems - 365 days   6
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Views: 433

This all must seem so surreal

This place

Its like a vortex of compassionate skill

Re-lative thoughts feelings and ambition

Its that thing you long for but can't quite envision

That cold that you warm through

Or that heat that you storm through

Multiple loves your torn through

That familiar sensation someones else is going through

Here you have no reason to hide

No instinct to lie

Where you don't depend on

what you look like

Whats your type

Who you know

Or what's alright

This is the one stop shop

The Swiss army knife

The Walmart of proportion

The poetry site

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Contest Winner  

chispoken says:

I read this aloud as I do all pieces I read and I was amazed and how smoothly this flowed off the tongue. Dope

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Royale Jones says:

Thank u sir

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AquariusKhan says:

Brother Jones, I think the poetry gods had me on punishment for a little while (LOL!) but you're nice. This piece flows- and these days, too many brothers are too self-centered to show our appreciation for what one of our own are doing outside of buying or selling something. Keep makin' it do what it do! Stay strong.

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