ts735bSTUDENT10 | Poetry Vibe
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Once a pawn a time within castellated bishopric



Views: 114

We purchased 2020 Hyundai Elantra
at Enterprise Car Rental

1207 West Ridge Pike
Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428
April thirteenth two thousand twenty three
witnessed greatest amount of money

I spent at one time.


The following day April 14th, 2023
(after my automotive troubles
seemed so far away),
when important business concluded at:
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation -
Photo License Center,
1700 Markley Street,
Norristown, Pennsylvania 19401.


Before somnolent vestige
completely vanished, and vanquished
post retentive grogginess dissipated
ipso facto after awakening

from dream state come true
and opening eyelids
Delilah gifted with melanin

swiftly tailored uber vestil virgin
hit with hair brained scheme
to generate goldenlocks


worth gobs of green

freshly minted legal tender

despite fallout being upbraided

bald brazenness occurred

to emasculate Johnny comb lately
he experienced brush with immortality
until he almost got scalped

saved by skin of his teeth

unbeknownst to lass (see) how keen


her intended prey nicknamed Samson

worthwhile fitness expense
disciplined, coaxed, and buffed physique

to chisel, mold sculpt, et cetera
his body to become lean

said kingly chess mate pledged troth

to ebony queen,
she wedded near likeness of the boss
(doppelganger) Bruce Springsteen.

Additionally while slumbering,
I experienced close encounters
of the third kind

manifested as following visitation

linkedin and included chance encounter

with a rock-ribbed mountain of a man
(whose shaved noggin glistened)

simply known as thee ebullient B.T.,
one strapping muscular dynamic
colorful preacher

of health and positive welfare,

who strongly encouraged me
(combination aging long haired

pencil necked geek, harried styled

white tarnished knight,
teenage mutant ninja turtle,

and wunderkind wily wordsmith)
to pay him a visit
at the following LA Fitness site
2961 Swede Road,
East Norriton, Pennsylvania 19401.

Aforementioned stranger in a strange land
athletic built endowed fellow
with smooth glistening ebony skin
talked (courtesy booming inspirational voice)
an evangelical blue streak regarding
the merits of communication
heavily peppered with brotherly/sisterly love
with powerful salted spiritual undertones.

Impossible mission during wakeful state
to recreate, rehabilitate, rejuvenate,

rekindle, and resuscitate a likeness
courtesy figment of my imagination
said boisterous, gregarious, illustrious,
and rambunctious well sculpted
specimen of Homo sapiens
as hinted at above.


Though no Hercules

(in fact just the antonym),
mine alter ego exaggerated,

intimated, and outlined,

a mollified Genie could blithely wave

magic wand abracadabra

spellbinding mine fate, aye

would rejoice beholding,

an African Queen to quash

celibacy, cuz declaration of consummation


stemming premature ejaculation
more precious then

fine spun gold (for Josephine) to buy
time against tortured Golgotha kepi

mein kampf wracking fate, thence pave

ving a stairway to heaven

after this ivory pawn doth die

cleansing, exorcising, and flushing

infidelity kindling lover,

which prurient waywardness


found me to misbehave

ah bon Jove vee errant fellow

(wanted dead or alive),

I das scribe many blue moons ago,

when verboten fruit

yours truly didst deaf fie

temptation no amount

renouncing, repenting, rerouting
travesty, mockery, and effrontery

regarding egregious transgression

excising emotional affliction


spent kneeling on wounded knee,

this besotted knave

scrutinizing indelible engravure

etched with blessed

"Jesus, bare naked Amazon Mary

and Joseph" motif guy

interweaved by pointed

finger of Goddess Sheba almighty

beckoned deft fiat halting joist

lowered nondescript plain rigid casket


swallowed by grave

temporally ushered whirled wide

webbed rebirth where I
received life anew breathless composure

dousing errant fellow

guilt honestly iterated, jackanapes

kneaded licentious maligned narcissistic

opprobrious philandering questing re: deprave

transgressions, whereat

this gentile Jew did lie

unclothed satisfying prurient flava flave


vitiating marital covenant, now my

soul asylum anointed,

via misdirected, misguided, and misjudged

sedulous, poisonous, opprobrious,
nevertheless glorious, and fabulous

Nubian enchantress deign nigh

ying celibacy decreeing

expurgating sexual crave

ving, hence thy status as Zen eternal
eunuch (corny punster) mocker

as acceptable punishment bequeathed

by said deliquescent, iridescent,

and opalescent dreamt up

"FAKE" pitch black

kickstarting Negroid hallucination

from over active imagination

me didst truly ply
avariciousness as Holden Caulfield
protagonist catcher in the rye.


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mlowe5 says:

Indeed, things (and people) are not always as they seem and are hoped to be.

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