Newpanther | Poetry Vibe
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Look Both Ways



Views: 153

look both ways
before crossing the intersections of this country

mistakenly thinking it is safe to cross over to the other side
traveling faster than the posted speed limits of humanity
mindlessly running through red lights
not bothering to stop to survey the carnage
ruthlessly left it its wake

I read in the paper this morning
a truck 
driven by welfare reform 
lost a wheel 
and went barreling into a crowded playground
forever ending the dreams of several million people

just last month
an old lady was attempting to cross over
struck down in broad daylight
by a speeding car driven by cuts in social security

funny thing, though
the driver was never stopped and given a breath test

look both ways
before crossing the intersections of this country
coming out of nowhere
traveling at such a high rate of speed
close to impossible to distinguish one from the other

look both ways
before venturing onto the black asphalt of the intersections of this country
once a dirt road 
taking much less time in contemplation to cross in simpler times
but now
you must look both ways
or be found on the other side
dead on arrival

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

GREAT WRITE! Sound and excellent advice with profound explanations. Beautiful rhythmic flow from beginning to end. Thanks for the share. ONE. Peace and Love.

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