PHIRE | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
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Views: 288

Even before your birth, this world was cursed
Treasure every moment, no value for your worth
Can't stack the deck, through art of deception
Conceiving shall bear truth, to all false perception
Given the hand dealt, cards must be played
Karma will give chase to fathers prayers prayed
Invest in you today,time borrowed from tomorrow
Understanding will one day come, wisdom to follow
There are not answers to every question asked
"I Did" shall answer, every task you're tasked
Stand up for right, speak til nothing's left
Voiceless voice shall sing signs to the deaf
How bright your insight even the blind sees
Hoping you will, be a reflection of me
Looks like your mother, produced a selfish dad
Want for nothing, having everything he never had
Gave you life, over all things to give
Lesson before dying, is to Die to Live
Sun shall birth and set over this world
But this letter is to my firstborn girl.

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