PHIRE | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
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Shameful Self



Views: 316

From season to season, how did spring bring forth change
Cold days and frozen hail made It all seem so strange
Could there have been a rebirth of a friendship so true
Finding no answers, don't know the you I never knew
There are ups and downs to have, sure they will come around
Blooming, blossoming, and branching as our backs warm the ground
Remember writing little notes, passing them back and forth during class
Didn’t care if we got caught just signed out as teachers walked past
The good times have been enjoyed as things begin to heat
Having fell in love with Summer, Spring is tempting me to cheat
On our backs we lay, and laugh, all the while time is shared
Inside my hands you are held, from daylight you were spared
Painful to watch your love, slip right through my fingers
There was nothing left to do, although the dream still lingers.
This affair was not fair, til today he doesn't know my name
So to be fair, tomorrow when I wake, I will walk away, I'm shame.

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Royale Jones says:

I love your imagery

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