she is queen in my eyes
she is strong in my life
she made all the sacrifice
she love through the light
that seeped through the
cracks of her life she exude
love from a broken heart
like sqeezing blood from
a turnip she gave from her
lack never once did she
ask for a dime of it back
if there is a God she is
I am that I am she crdeits
Jesus for her soul but even
Jesus knows it is her faith
that makes her whole when
she let go I won't shout
"DON'T GO" I know she's
tired of carrying the heavy
load she's more than ready
to put on the robe I don't
know if she really knows
how much she means to me
the important role she plays
in my duration of life she is
the heart of who I am and
who I am is the core of who
she is she is and always will
be the most impotant part
cut from the cord never
severed from the heart
she is the root and source
she is queen from the start