Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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Moody blues(revision)



Views: 227


Shadow dancing.

To practice for no other cause

but interplay.


Taking pause without reason...

Taken-in, by a need for self-reflection.

A changing of the tides


a time-out to reassess

a blessing.


Pull the plug and disconnect


Cut the cord


Jump ship...

Finding myself,

This moment of eternity…


Hopelessly cast adrift


Chasing a dream, perhaps

evolving from a need to blend...

reacting to



A shift of potentiality towards

a positive solution... 


to ancestral visions, calling.


United spirits

pondering at what cost?




To the great beyond.


Ignoring the suggestion of failure


turning the page…


Plying the unknown.


Driven by will,

beyond this stage


While in pursuit of pleasure


Then, too evasion

from random questions,


Of calling circumstance


Amidst the incoming invasion,

brought by hatred...


By people who cannot relate 

To friendly competition



twisting fate


And i,

The commander of this space in time, mine...


Taken in by an urge



To revisit the current life-design



With potential somewhat misaligned


Making inertial corrections


By my North Star


By patterns

ingrained ancestral signatures


Setting my sights to a higher plane


A Heaven…or is a haven for my mind  

While exploring at depth within…


Take another chance

to check the budding plan


Coming into focus, gradually

Like a slow-motion procession of raindrops

on parade


emerging through the mists

with echoes of falling raindrops

which serenade us,

creating ripples in a pool...


As if a waterfall cascades

from the heavens coming down

here among us

playing upon a gentle breeze

Dropping soft explosions

upon its surface


Periodic interruptions,

creating friendly distortions…

bubbles, spontaneously appearing

As if travelling

along a passing astral plane.


Awakening from a deep sleep.


Leaping into consciousness.

Accelerating at a rapid pace

towards an unknown destination,

dimensions beyond.


Unplanned equations

coincidentally, at hand


Speaking to my muse

in the echoes, passing time


Conversations starting fires in my mind

With incense, aromatic smoke

ascending into the heavens


As if speaking to

the stars...








Copyright ©2023 Charles Edward Fields 2

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love_supreme says:

Excellent write.

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Charles2 says:

Thank you, love_supreme. Working the trade

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mlowe5 says:

Speak on, C2. Thanks for this inspiring update. ONE. Peace and Love.

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