Edna | Poetry Vibe
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Little Tug boats



Views: 425

I sat on a redwood dock


in the town of Crescent City.


My mom had recently died~


My heart was full of pity~


South Carolina is my home


but I needed to flee.


Under cold and starry skies


tugboats pulled big ships out to sea.


I felt like the little boats.


I've struggled to do my best~


As big ships gathered speed,


the tugboats returned to rest.


Eyes focused to see the redwoods.


~~only God could create~~


~~No one can deny the miracle~~


~~the redwoods that He made~~


~~The great Pacific Ocean~~


~~miles from my eastern shore~~


~~Mom has crossed her ocean~~


~~She rests, now, forever more.


~ ~


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Royale Jones says:

Beautiful analogy thank you for the poem

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