Edna | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 266

 Daddy walked behind the rusted plow
as I tried to follow his footprints.
'cause Daddy's shoes were so big,
my little feet just would not fit.

The hot sun made Daddy sweat
but Nellie Belle seem not to mind.
Often she walked that 'ole field
and her master walked behind.

Times were hard for Moma and Daddy
and as a child I did not know~~
I was a sharecropper's daughter
and we were very poor~

Seeing Momma with needle and twine,
I didn't realize his shoes were torn.
I played and ran outdoors
and secretly threw the hogs his corn~~

I often wander back in time.....
to those days, so innocent and free,
when we plowed the 'ole fields~~
my daddy, Nellie Belle and me.

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AquariusKhan says:

Thank you for the image of a more innocent time. God bless.

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