TEEDUB815 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 54100
contest winner

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Total poems   408
Lifetime Views   80528
Total poems - 7 days   1
Total poems - 30 days   1
Total poems - 90 days   8
Total poems - 365 days   133
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Views: 208

Everyone has someone that they are attached to

Someone with good intentions or to someone who'll use you


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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Indeed. What else is there to say? Thus be the "Strings" that bind us. Nice share. Thanks. Peace and Love.

Ms.PoeticPassion says:

Wise, simple and to the point. Nice write 'Someone with good intentions or someone who will use you.' Strings attached to me. Guiding me in that direction This direction I fight to get my hands free To cut these strings that bind me Hinder me Scared to let go Not sure of what my mind and body can do without These STRINGS.... Tears leave stained river streams upon on my face. These STRINGS I need to cut loose THESE STRINGS I NEED TO CUT LOOSE! Words that echo in my mind each and everyday. Wishing, hoping, and waiting My hero will come thru and Save me..... Wishing, hoping, and waiting without realization I can only be my own HERO. These strings .....these strings I must cut loose

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