Royale jones | Poetry Vibe
Royale jones
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 49000
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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first love

Views: 353

Wouldn't it be better if we were stuck in those days when we would just ly on the couch and you would run your hand over my waves

How you would pretend to be my sister's friend so you could spend the night then you would sneak in my bed before it got to late at night

Or arguing about nothing just being in a continuous fight just to have makeup sex seven times a night

Riding the bus all day to get to the good movies and falling asleep on the Bart after we eat my arm around your shoulder and your head on my chest and you slobbing all over my shirt and s*** LOL

Those were the best

Remember when I got my first spot? I had nothing but an twin size bed and no TV we sat in the bed like the fork and the spoon me kissing the spot behind your ear and you staring out the window at the moon

Some times at night I close my eyes and picture all we been through and I'm mesmerized

I still see that spoiled little girl with the rude attitude I fell in love with the night of my first kiss every time I stare in your eyes

But to go back wouldn't it be nice....

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