TamaraD | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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Just Do It



Views: 610

 I just gotta do it.

Other peoples opinions and preceptions

can not  predict my next move, nor my next stance.

I AM allowed to pursue if and when givin the chance.

No room for your doubt to creep in,

no room to paint fear in my heart.

What you think you know,

 I shall not entertain.

No I will not take part.

I shall rise to the top

ever reaching...non stop.

To be what I am meant to be

With that designated time

the minutes ran by the beckon of our maker

Only to be changed,  at any measure by "Him".

I just gotta do it, 

no matter the cost.

I must push fear, despair, and procrastination

clear out the way

I gotta be the boss.

I excel the power behind my push

and I will move many mountains.

Step aside fear mountain,

Be gone mountains of despair and procrastination.

No more shall you hinder me from  reaching my elevation.

From this day forward


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mrmelody7 says:

That powerful unique flowing style. always a pleasure to read your work

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