TamaraD | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Views: 489

 I miss something I never had, gripping my heart constantly.

My mind drifts, and quiet becomes the tune in my ear.

Shattered dreams

Questions of why

This is day to day life as the years fly by.

I miss the place I've never gone, the songs I never sung.

The stories I have yet to write,

not out of my mind, but not seen

so...out of sight.

When my heart cries

it grips tears of dreams, that only come true 

when my shut eyes are in view.

I close them "WOW"  oh so beautiful!!!

My dreams show no more regrets

no more visits of past pain.

The things I've learned become shelter, from it's rain

Learn from it , grow from it, 

move on... from it

Take with me only that which makes me strong

that which empowers my soul

I had to go through all along

Upon splitting open my lids

a light of joy squints my vision.

As new ideas transform my many decisions.

All while smiling, I see more clearly

my love for writing, my heart  holds so dearly.

This is where I find freedom of expression

This is where I find a place of restoration.

Here the words of my heart will flow

Here is my life's purpose...I know

To write and release

all hopes, dreams, desires, and needs.

The pathway to "MY" writer,

on how I shall succeed.


there "IS"  more to see.

Dreams can be seen past hurtful reality.

So I write,

an expression of me

a joyful vision I'm so happy to see

With or without, Closed Lids

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SUNSHINE1978 says:


poems by this commentor

Contest Winner  

TamaraD says:

thank u SUNSHINE1978

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