ts735bSTUDENT10 | Poetry Vibe
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Trawl tale of a fictitious seaman told to ye...


Views: 73

While on the topic

of blood kith and kin,
I relate another

fabricated poem about

blimey bloke of a fisherman.

Courtesy webbed whirled wide net wit

cursing thwarted life,

liberty and pursuit of happiness
if eavesdropper, you would discern

nasality – cause uvula split
holed within mancave unit b44,
a regular run of the mill hermit.

Any resemblance between

said character and living persons

purely (off fish shilly) coincidental

material scoured from dregs

of me muss held head.

I shore up a vignette to free
my ("FAKE") grandfather Hymie,
whose scrunched countenanced
evinced beetle that of browed monkey

he spent his entire life at sea
his thick calloused hands

and ruddy complexion
reinforced non verbal body language
voluminous tomes smoothed

nick holed money


to countless years

(spilling into decades)

exposed to salty spittle nee

where watery terrain spewed

raw elements piscine

art finest artisanal blended, crafted, nein
mean feet resources dredged reluctantly

relinquished by mother nature mean
craftily pared within

each trough and crest

found thee old man

with privateer mean

mien whose skin fiercely weatherbeaten

leathery and lean,
epidermis tanned tough
as rawhide, reptilian, prithee

chafed skin to me

not surprising, since

this mariner born,

bred and near lee


schooled within briny

deep ever since knee

high (or so he claimed truth

to swirling rumor), jovially

pleased that his purportedly

learnin' myth writ tik ne'r included
NEVER settn' foot in formal classroom,

his knowledge icy

anecdotes aced, surpassed,

and trounced that of what he

referred to as grenadier landlubbers

green behind the ears – glee

fully jabbing with his

unsheathed scabbard play flea
actually downplaying any exploits,

that didst educate him, 'ee

got taut learn'n survival skills asper

pre ponder hunt via

eddy fied tests frequently dee

siding a life or death outcome,

yet our ensian

mutually bonding friendship
via shared exploits while

he dressed not in tatters,
but self made clothes from cree

chores comfortable furs, and though

a striking appearance cut, ne'r
did this ole codger (fit as a fiddle
with tall slender build),

said middle aged man
appeared quite becoming.

An aura, charisma, dogma

amazingly graced stalwart, gestalt,

deportment aie

found added an air

of charming debonair,

esteeming flair, genteel heir

which tasked guessing years old,
aye presumed him

to exit the uterine lair


at least a few score

tours round oblate sphere
as aspect of youthfulness

played across his eyes
one colored green

like a spring day in the country,

the other jetblue sans burnin'

man four score and seven
pearl jam oyster cult year.


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