mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Views: 145




Freedom, like truth, is far from being

a virgin—abused, raped, polluted, and left

to whither, die and decay. But these two sisters

ape the wind, water, and soil of Mother Earth:



The wind may die down

but rises up stirringly.

Water evaporates only to become

more of what it was

to rain back down to the earth.

Soil manifested as sand, dirt, mud, or clods,

remains the fertile nourishing womb

and breasts of Mother Earth.


They may abuse, rape, and pollute wind, water,

and the soil; but they can’t destroy them.

They may abuse, rape, and pollute freedom

and truth; but they can’t destroy them.

Wind, water, soil, freedom, and truth are eternal;

eternally on the move—pursuing redemptive being.


We are the children of the abused, raped,

and polluted people who the children of injustice

have sought to destroy our truth and freedom

with the mendacious lies of their phallic story (history)

plundering our story (ourstory)—their children

seeking to maintain the old manifest destiny.


Today, time longer than rope seeks to lynch the mind;

but truth and freedom dangle in the swirling wind;

they flow in the water and are rooted in the germinating soil

of redemptive revelation:  free your mind and you are.


Remember, we are also children of the wind, water,

and soil; the truth is the light and freedom is the fight!

If our ancestors—with so little—could survive the plundering

rape of the Motherland, let us with so much more, put a stop

to the same in the Fatherland—lest we are deemed virgins

in the struggle: useless drones in the village beehive.


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