LP45 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 206000
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lightness in the dark
Hey there my fellow poets! Blessings and greetings to you all for a prosperous new year. Life has been pretty rough for me since I last posted but nonetheless, as always with God's mercy and grace I've persevered. I'm finally at a point where I can start posting again. I so miss being on here and reading everyone's works. I hope that everything is going well for everyone. Let's keep the inklove flowing!

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Woman to Woman


Views: 172

Woman to woman my sistas,

We have to do better.

We need to look up more

Instead of looking down

Upon each other.

Here, let me help straighten

Your crown.

There ya go!

Embrace yourselves as you are

And accept your sistas as they are.

There’s one on your left,

One on your right,

One in front of you,

And one in back of you.

Give your sista behind you

Something to look forward to.

Set an example for her so

The lessons she learns can

Be the foreground for next generation.

And as we teach our children

In the way they should go,

When they’re older,

They will not part from it.

Give your sista in front of you

A pat on her shoulder

As you work together

For the greater good,

Let her know you’ve got her back!

Doing so will create a ripple effect

So she won’t have to bear

The weight of depression

Upon her shoulders.

Give your sista on the right

The same as your sista on the left.

Uplifting and inspiring words of

Strength, hope, faith and the

Ever so burden lightening kind gesture

Of a helping hand.

Doing so creates a ripple effect

So she won’t have to bear

The weight of oppression and sadness

On her mind or in her heart.

It may just be a few moments

Of your time that makes

A world of difference.

Now let us uplift our babies

In the same manner,

Keeping the torch lit

For easier travels.

Doing so creates a ripple effect

So they have the knowledge

And wherewithal to overcome

Any obstacles along their journey.

And by all means,

Woman to woman,

We MUST help our men

Too many have been taken

Away from us throughout time

And our foundation

Is beginning to crack and shift.

We’ve gotta pull it together and

Pull together so we all can do better.

Doing so creates a ripple effect

Of mountain moving faith

Allowing us both to grow and

Pave new ways so our next

Generation of men will become

Better and stronger

As we and time move on.

Woman to woman,

We need to look to our right,

Our left, in front of us

And in back of us more often

Instead of looking down

Upon each other.

And by all means if you see

Any other crown losing ground,

Let a sista know so y’all can

Reach up and reset it.

Doing so creates a ripple effect

And as we connect

The weight of depression

Oppression and sadness

Bears no residence within us,

Hearts and minds are clear

And obstacles along journeys

Become the stepping stones of

Newly created paths

As we all move forward

For the greater good.

And now that we’ve

Straightened our crowns,

Let’s rise Queens!


© 2/12/23 LP45

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Profound! A powerful pounding rhythmic inspirational awareness for the Whole Extended Family. My dear Sista, know that the Brodda is right there with you! Time to straighten things UP! Beautiful pen. So great to hear again, the amazing words of awareness and inspiration from you. Thanks. ONE. Peace and Love.

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love_supreme says:

I submitted my vote for Favorite Chef. All the best!

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LP45 says:

Thank you Mlowe5 for your continued support! Peace and blessings.

LP45 says:

Thank you for your vote love_supreme!!!! It and you are much appreciated! Peace and blessings to you as well.

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