Kavindra | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 23600
contest winner
lightness in the dark
This latest poem - I am just not sure -the message is sound but it starts a bit odd - ah who am I kidding I am eccentric

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"The TRuth of THings"



Views: 185


DNA Coded
missing pieces 
deep inside the soul 

where is the devotion?

*warped and hollow

curse of the star crossed
Romeo's Madonna'
Jullious conquered world 
*Achieve limits
or be doomed

 *Endure your conscience!..

results! (ripple effects)..

misfortune of the missed fortune

jaded jane 

*crimson scenes arranged
 * Youthful Killers

eye of the percieved!

the happy joy that no one seeks 
its all meant to be 
all roads lead to ...
that spell 
a mistaken path another cast
déjà vu of the spirit 

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mrmelody7 says:

Hello Mz Special K quite sometime since you have posted Always enjoy your intriguing writes that always lil Alfred Hitch mystery
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Deja vu of the spirit, indeed. Interesting share. Thanks. Peace and Love.

Kavindra says:

thank guys Ive been working a lot

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Newpanther says:

Enjoyed this immensely!

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