Be Queen what I wish for you is too much to pen
and if my words could touch you in your corner of the universe
I want these words to cover your body with kisses
to smother you just long enough to take your breath away
to have you dance joyous
naked and unashamed in the Caribbean windstorms
and sway in the breeze like drunken palm trees
when thoughts of love for you are not butterflies
but mammoth pterodactyl
in fierce attack mode from prehistoric times
may my words caress you
until you climax all over this poetic page
may the bee that you are
spit everlasting poetic pollination
germinating into a thousand love poems for all of us to see
to feel
to touch
to be
may the art of love
the call of love
beckoning you to its holy throne
once unpleasant
now a natural high that has no fix
no antidote... |
At Fifteen it was in this year
clouds of innocence were slowly removed from my
freshly minted fifteen year old eyes
windshield wipers in the rain on low level
I began to see and experience the wonders
the frustrations
the cruelty
the humanity
and the reality of this world
it was in this year
I discovered that words written and spoken could be steamed
prepared to order
and sometimes microwaved
I remember always digesting them
after it being served thoroughly minced and diced
sprinkled with a little brown sugar
washed down with a cold soda
it was in this year
I began to prepare and serve words for others to digest
interesting to note that words taste differently to each tongue
onion flavored
too sweet
needing more flour
or f... |
By Request she laughed
stretched out across the beige carpet of our apartment
my clumsiness always did that to her
she nods
when I tell her that I might try to become a contestant on
as long as they don’t ask me about chemistry
or European cuisine
she thinks
my wallet is suffering from deposit amnesia
although I have never turned away any of her withdrawal requests
she smiles
when I sneak up behind her after she showers
drawn by the scent of Ivory soap
she yells
when I drop kick my pants into the closet every morning
after a hard night at work
she cries
when she sends forth her heart
and it is returned trampled upon with a thousand muddy footprints
she asks
as I endlessly stare at my computer screen
‘why don’t you write a poem about me?&rsq... |
This Cup so I write
never asking for this cup to be passed to me
but it is my turn to drink of its bitterness
or of its sweet nectar
depending on what day it is
who reads my poem
whose poem I read
and I will not criticize
nor will I critique your pain
your death
your happiness
your ecstasy
same in verbiage
but a different climax
pain and/or pleasure
will your poem hold me in the wrinkled aftermaths
leaving loose change on the nightstand
the sounds of your works lightly closing front door
careful not to wake me
but your tires screech from the driveway
down the road
never to be seen again
or is my poem a thumbs up from a poetic Caesar
or death in the dust
last gasps of a poetic gladiator
or will your poem leave me
A Warm Moment In Time (For My Valentine Back In The Day) I loved her
though she wasn't the cutest girl in the neighborhood
couldn't afford to wear the latest threads
place her delicate feet inside the latest platforms
or shape her afro into the perfect Angela Davis sphere
I loved her
because when she slow dragged with me
I lost all of my insecurities and inhibitions
for the length of the 45 playing on the turntable
words lost their weight
while I held her tightly in rhythm
her warm
breathing caressed the side of my neck
and her fingers
sinfully lost
in the deepest part of my afro
when the three minutes were up
I would return to the end of the sofa
and wait patiently
while others took their turns
and lost themselves with her
in their own
warm moments in time
Perceptions at one time
was evil and satanic
then became
it is now
and God only knows what
will be
Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind out of mind
out of sight
was what you said last night
as the light was turned off
and I walked away shackled in shameful handcuffs
skillfully placed when I wasn't looking
out of sight
was what we used to be
strutting our stuff across the stage
like when James Brown was all the rage
back in the day
we were the soul couple #1
but when the performance was done
the curtain came down
and no one called for an encore
out of mind
is what I was and what I am today
walking past me without a word to say
and a cold look penetrates my being
and what I'm seeing is snow melting slowly
the uneven pavement
with last summer's trash
still piled up beside the gutter
out of sight
what I once felt for you has been packed
neatly stacked in a box
set lovi... |
Til Death Do Us Part forever
penned in poetry and prose and Hallmark cards and letters
texts from places where I can’t get next to you
“I Do”
up to the
“Ashes To Ashes”
but it ain’t promised
Las Vegas giving tomorrow even odds
seen and heard about
ending in the strangest places and times
here today
while they lay themselves down to sleep
absent in the morning
I ain’t gonna bore you with empty words
promises my love for you would like to make
so you can rush off to the lottery man
cash in your scratch off winning ticket
for sure
is keeping the battery fresh in my watch
listening to the minute hand ticking in the background
yet ... |
Clean I’m not a poet
have gone through the rinse cycle
a writer of poems
Odyssey so
I wonder what would it be like
if I were a planet in your universe
what if I flew too near to your sun?
would you singe my wings
like Icarus
hurling me downward onto the jagged rocks of your shores?
could I revolve
and evolve within your solar system
keeping track of time and seasons?
would you support me with your gravity
or would I fall from your galaxy
into unknown worlds beyond?
would I be just another planet
in your universe?
another star among the millions
illuminating your nocturnal skies?
I wonder what it would be like
if I were a planet
in your universe