love_supreme | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
We will make it through this. Believe that.

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Love Love Poems



Views: 191

I really cannot say the word enough, I am in love with love love poems. I just wish I knew the world and that it could understand. I am always feeling different lost in a sea of everything and everyone and no one really having any of the answers. 

I am cast out, adrift and not floating in any particular direction. Can you imagine a scenario lonelier than that, more desolate than that. I see world for what it is and I wish it was more. I wish I could see my true purpose and if I could see yours, I would tell you straight away. 

Love love is the next step. Its where you devote yourself to being vulnerable and letting yourself feel the world. I want to welcome you here and wish you had made it sooner. 

Before the pain and the heart break, hopefully you will be healed soon and we can laugh and play in the world that should have been.

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mlowe5 says:

Indeed, love_supreme. We eventually learn that it is only love that can heal its own pain; and in due time, it will. Nice write. Thanks for the share. ONE. Peace and Love.

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