Trou8l3 | Poetry Vibe
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B Honest



Views: 133

One thing I can never understand is a woman

That lies

Twisting reality and making a mockery of all the facts

Rubbish leaving ya lips like a oil spill 

The nature of you is like " Who raised you" ?

A pack of wolves , apes or snakes? 

I believe you here by mistake!!

Telling me not to trust those I talk to, 

Only one I was close to, I think you hated that

You wanted me to keep what you told 

Like saying " your the only one that knows"! girl talk

I couldn't hold , 

My heart was hurting too much

I felt like I lost , the one I trust.

And again you wanna blame me 

Throwing the "how long we been friends" card 

To justify what you said covering up your lies

You don't even realize that when you speak

All the lies you told comes the truth, 

Why talk if , you not getting paid 

Like a 1-800-get to know me online ONLY

But it's not about the money right

No wonder you don't like talking.

Crooked lips like a crack head delivering tricks

For a hit

You one of those " The voices made me do it"

Diluted mentally

Making it up as you go 

Saying " nobody will know" 

Planning your next victim

Like a spider weaving a web

For more lies



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