2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Building Circles



Views: 155

Know an Arc, playing parts.

Castaways depart, intrepid two steps.

Escaping the deluge of unseemly waves

Promising horizons, via protracting out clauses.

A wait to carry, defying all, even the unimagined

Movements are buoyed between above and down under

Summer falls, winters to spring arrival, always obstructed.

Constructed in a divine draftsman sojourn journalling instruct

Oft times half built, as progeny stand at precipice wandering.

What was written on spirt, appeals in the curious to a survivalist

The plan continues perpetually in building the contemporary

For today is in some way tied to yesterday’s tomorrow in Déjà vu

Retracing and refining civilizations  lost  during  times of forgetting

So walk long,  and  far,  never  alone,  together We must Re-member

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Yes, 2b2b2, "...together We must Re-member" the survival essence of our 360 degrees ONENESS that has and must continue to keep us coming onward. ONE. Peace and Love.

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