TEEDUB815 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 52400
contest winner

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Total poems   405
Lifetime Views   68987
Total poems - 7 days   2
Total poems - 30 days   6
Total poems - 90 days   34
Total poems - 365 days   181
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Views: 162

Laugh in the face of someone who has less than you

Pass up or deny to provide help for someone who desperately needs help from you

Speak vile words towards someone; especially if they in return love and support you

Mess with another man's wife

Mess with another woman's husband

Take from what is not yours

Lie in the eyes of a person who've done no wrong 

Treat others like scum beneath you as an arrogant one

Have greed, portray selfishness, or put materialistic things before The Lord And Your Family

KARMA will Unleash



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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

This is indeed, BAD KARMA. Not She who was born unto us some 45 years ago! Deep Write. Peace and Love.

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