mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Views: 169


What the hell are we doing?  

Our present death rates are up;

Our population has gone down,

And we are responsible for it all!


Our “Free Movies” for the children

Glorify the killing of each other

That we may be liberated souls

As if we were the oppressors!


Our children are being live-streamed-deceived

Into seeing how easy it is to wipe out each other

Than to ever think of wiping out oppression;

What in the hell of it all are we doing? 


What was once shaded deception,

Has gone from black unawareness

To an Oppressor’s Syndrome crisis;

To Black-On-Black murdering crimes!


Our Black Women are no longer sweet princesses

And our Black Men are no longer kingly-princes to be;

We’re all now, SOBs—Black bastards and female dogs

To be externally and self-abused in any kind of damning:-


What the hell are we doing?

Parents killing their kids for money;

Kids killing their parents for pain relief;

Being brainwashed self-decimating Blacks!


The sun goes down but rises again to begin anew;

The moon wanes in time but also waxes in time too:-

From dark blue clouds rains falls but soon evaporates

In these treacherous times, what the hell are we doing?


With the children killing and being daily killed,

The Ancestral footprinted future is looking bleak;

We need to accept what it is that needs to be done

That the survivors can know what the hell we did do:- 


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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Many thanks, love_supreme. Thanks. ONE. Peace and Love.

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