Newpanther | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 69400
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If I Could



Views: 128

eggplant and other things
we will never ever agree
part of my cuisine peculiarity
and all kinds of berries make me break out
they will most certainly be left to mold
to grow grey and old
in the bowl on the kitchen table
I break into such an uncomfortable rash
and if you don't eat them
they will go out with the morning trash

I will break and not just bend
the human in me
flaws I will possess until my bitter end
she tells me not to wear my emotions in the moment 
visible on my short shirt sleeve
you thought my fuse was endless
my patience was long worn and frayed
knowing the inner self
seeking for the nearest door so I can leave

when He presents things to me 
in my feeble mortality
things I just can not control or pause
testing my core essence
He does this just because
and you are so far away
my friend
wishing I can sit on your porch
glass of wine
soda pop
or if you prefer
a cold beer
just as long as time can freeze for a moment
time just stand still
staring into your terminal eyes
fighting within myself to say
to His will
and I would gladly eat a strawberry
a blueberry
and gleefully consume with onion dips
but still within me
often times
I can not always come to a grips 
my feeble mortality
the situations He often sends
The tests he knows I will not pass
rocks and dirt exposed on my lawn
that used to be a beautiful patch of grass
staring into your terminal eyes from afar
wondering if and ever when
looking back in my lifetime
have I ever found it easy for His will to be done
If I ever
without question
uttered an honest

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Was it not just done? Deep. So mote it be. ONE. Peace and Love.

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