In the East, golden dawn spreads throughout
The forest;
Tree branch-bound birds begin to orchestrate
Morning tweets.
Meanwhile, various insects on the window screen
Begin crawling,
While rats and other small furry creatures run in and
Out of bordering hedges.
In the later morning and towards noon, squirrels play
And gather nuts;
Some ducks gather around the pond while others sit
Quietly in the pond.
The high-risen sun heats the air and tall green trees
Share their shade;
Across the street, the roadside of the lake reflects the blue
And white sky.
Come evening, the East begins to darken while the West begins
Its golden glow;
As the sun goes down, the shadowed moon begins to peep through
The clouds.
Having enjoyed the pond and pondside green grass ducks now slow
Down evening traffic.
Thus, has been the canvassing of this beautiful summer day filled with
Labors of love.