AquariusKhan | Poetry Vibe
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just different

Views: 398

Dark clouds in the sky

The air is filled with smoke

And it smells like a burnin' church


Dearly beloved-

We are gathered here-

To honor the life and death-

Of the souls of millions-

And mourn for those who are left behind

All services will be held today-

For the late, great Black man

And do the ministers and preachers remember-

Who gave power to their temples?

Was not this Son of God- our brother?

Where are those who could end His mother's pain?

She shed blood and sweat so that we could be born-

Why bring her to tears at too many funerals?

All services will be held today-

For the late, great Black man


Where do we come from?

Once were gods and goddesses

Your holy books talk about us- and a war

What lay buried in the ruins of Kush?

How much Afrika is left in us?

A Fire burns like the Sun- call it Soul-

Could the children of ice make us forget?

Once prince and princess- teachers who reached-

For the Heavens- architects and builders-

Farmers and fishermen- a village raising children-

And warriors defending their Motherland

Now our sisters fight over all that was lost-

And brother kills brother- not the enemy

All services will be held today-

For the late, great Black man


Who am I?

I am one of the sons of God- your brother-

Beaten down into the dust from which I came-

Only for my Father to breathe Fire into me

I always was- am now- and forever shall be-

Come to raise millions of souls from the dead-

Until our Mother is once again Queen

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Edna says:

I like it. It flows.

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Royale Jones says:

In one word two syllables powerful man Im just gonna give this another once over Oh you just got the respect nod. Lol

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DallasCowgirl says:

Felt it..

Contest Winner  

KingQadarDwon' says:

Very nice write

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