alanniskeeper | Poetry Vibe
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Alanni Skye


Views: 154

This is for my babygirl , who introduced me to a love no man could ever show me.

Equipped with a smile that brightens my day

Baby girl you inspire me in every way

From the time the sound of your heartbeat filled my ears

I fell in love and shed happy tears

When your high pitch cry , hit the air for the first time

I felt like a soldier who had to protect what's mine

I wish I could shield you from the pain you'll see

But like mommy it'll shape you into the strong woman you'll be

Be cautious princess, don't grow up too fast

Enjoy your childhood for as long as it last

I'll always be in your corner , no matter what you do

Embed in your heart "mommy's always here for you."

The birth of my Alanni , was the birth of my Skye

You remind me constantly "No goals too high."

-Love Always Mommy

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love_supreme says:

I really liked this poem.

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alanniskeeper says:

Thank you !

Royale Jones says:

That was truthful beautiful

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alanniskeeper says:

Glad you liked it . Thank you !

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