TEEDUB815 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 52400
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Wisdom Speaks



Views: 239

As any man or woman live on through the days of their lives and continuously endure the seasons

Life will grant experiences and become the ultimate teacher 

Lessons learned will forever remain 

For some will share their experiences and testimonies that themselves have barewitnessed 

Passing down good humbling advice onto one who for advice they need

Unselfishly giving that person an opportunity to clearly open their eyes and see

To journey through a lesser rough path to succeed 

A Path That Is Inspired Because Wisdom Speaks 






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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thaks TEEBUD815 for your continuous wisdom and guidance. ONE. Peace and Love.

love_supreme says:

Very nice!

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Contest Winner  

TamaraD says:

Love this….truly speaks to me

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