TamaraD | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Cover Girl


just different

Views: 143

Lashes, hair done 

that bomb silky straight

Nails perfection the best they make

Smiles you see her lies show

Laughter escapes her yet deep down 

no one knows.

Behind her house door she hides beyond its veil 

So many secrets too ashamed to tell

She is broken hurt mentally abused

Emotional scars, scratch her hearts love it hurts no matter how much she doesn't want it to

Open up her windows she though about screaming out

Too afraid of others care-less she again muffled her shout

Fancy nail prints, naw at her arm, self-inflicted pain

Internal confussion ace the test of driving her insane.

Yet indoors all who know this are her couch her tables and her floors

sometimes upon it's middle she likes to take a whirl

Like Wonder Woman appears at the end of a twirl


Now she faces the world hoping hard never to tell truly what is covered behind the veil


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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

All so often the veil really veils not; just seems to. Uncover and be all that you are; unafraid. Interesting write. Peace and Love.

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