you work hard building a house
of cards you proud of then
evil comes through and knocks it down
you on a beach building a sandcastle
evil comes through and knocks it down
you sitting up with a smile on your face
evil comes through now it's a frown
you home relaxing after having a good day
evil comes through and knocks you down
evil don't like when things are better
evil is a storm that effects good weather
evil don't want you to live in peace evil wants
you to keep mourning the decease evil
is a disease evil is strong but evil has
no control over you when evil comes
through in a authoritative voice tell
eivil to leave go back to the flames
from where is came you got to be
serious when it comes to evil don't
play no games evils main objection
is to take you out the game like
everything else evil is a choice
you could choose to be evil too