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Let your Past Pass



Views: 132

So many times we harbor, hinder, hide and hold on to the hurt from our past. You have shown progression in preparing for your present purpose. Do not allow your past pain to hinder your present progression.

Your past is trying to get out of your way, but you keep bringing it up. And by bringing it up, you keep reliving it over and over. He hurt you, he cheated, she cheated, someone wronged you, lied to you, broken you, left you, dampened your spirit, disappointed you… it was the past. Whether it was 10 years ago, 3 months ago or 15 minutes ago, how much of your life and time out of each day are you going to spend reflecting and reliving on the past? Because your past already happened, it probably already got a response or a reaction. And one thing I know is, you can’t change it and you can’t undo it. So, if you already responded or reacted on it, then let it go. 

Ask yourself, does your hinderance or harboring help? I know what it does do, it helps keep you in that dark, dampened, sad space and by being in this space, it causes you to harbor bitterness, resentment, rejection, hurt, jealously, anger, revenge, envy and hatred and that can sometimes cause one to sink into depression. 

People say, they forgive, but they ain’t gon forget. What I’m saying to you is, your past is trying to move on. It’s saying, “Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me,” but you are holding on to it for dear life, waiting for any and every chance to keep bringing it up and reliving it. You are standing in the way blocking it from passing. Push over, move over, get over and let your past pass.  They say, “Let go and let God.” Ask God for strength and healing and release it. Move out of your way and move on. 

In the Bible Isaiah 43 vs 18 it says, “Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of the old. Behold, I will do a new thing.” 
Ask yourself, are you ready for some new things? Begin to free your mind from the hurt of your past. Let the past pass and make space for some new, happy, joyful thoughts, reflections and memories.                                            

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