one night I received a message out of the blue it contained upsetting news I didn't know how to handle I didn't know what to do I didn't know how to process the incredulous disbelief that struck me like lightening too electrical to let go one night I dropped my head into my hands and went on with my day to day life pretending like everything was alright and everything was looking up for me but in reality I fell into a slump and sunk deep into what felt like sleep shocked bewildered and in despair functioning in emotional pain I believed I would stay that way for the rest of life I felt like there was no cure for the dis...ease one night I rose up from where I knelt I told God "FINISH IT" I told the devil "KILL YOURSELF" I meant every word of it I reached the point of I didn't give a sh**
one night a bright light stormed the dark horizon the blaze caught my gaze and mesmerized me one night the appearance of one star changed my life