on the way to meet
a sweet destiny awaiting
a twist of fate got in the way
I had to face a uncontrolable
force that changed the course
of day intentions faded away
had no choice other than
to take the predetermined rout
mapped out for me couldn't
believe what was happening
like having a bad dream
it had me in chains under
restraint kept me from being
mobile free will abandoned me
it couldn't be unchanged it
had a strong influence on me
I struggled long to breakfree
of the hold it had on me
but it was stronger than me
I could'nt get from under it
long enough to pin to the mat
I had to pen it to the pad
I tried to get over it but
I couldn't lose sight of me
standing in the archway
one step away from entering
the circle of a wondrous
time I imagined it to be