love_supreme | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
We will make it through this. Believe that.

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My Black King



Views: 304

I am taking some time out to celebrate myself, my black king. Heavy is the head that wears the crown so if it applies make sure you wear it well. I was looking forward to this day just as I have looked forward to the ones that came before it. I was not struggling to get here, I was just struggling to understand why I deserved to be here. 

I listened to the world and in some cases it helped me but you cant listen to the crying for too long. You have to find that song deep within you and sing it consistently. You need to constantly be reminded that you are a king or queen as it applies. 

I wish all the best for you. Go out and get whats yours. 

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mlowe5 says:

And then go look into the mirror and give God the thanksgiving glory for who you see looking back at you. Thanks for this inspiring share. Peace and Love.

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