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The Re-Election of Barack


just different

Views: 91

                            "The Re-Election of Barack"

The re-election took place and the other party had to hide their face because of the disbelief of the loss. The loss on ideals, the loss on facts, the loss on the real purpose of raising the riches tax. The lost because of the craziest ones said the most outrageous comments, the lost because of the attack on women's privates, they lost because they are out of touch but the main reason why they lost is because there is no longer the racist white majority. That has changed and will never be the same. We Americans are moving forward, moving ahead while there are those that want to take us back to the homestead.


The re-election of Barack is more important than some realize. It's not just for us blacks and minorities. It shows that the first time was not fluke. It shows that the American people are not going to allow this great nation to fall because of the other ideas that they believe that must make us weak or small. No, that is not it at all. And although there are many out there that fear this man, whether it is because of his skin, his background, his stance on the issues, the party that he represents. And the biggest fear that they have is that they have no choice but to really work with him. Because if they don't it will be a long, long, time until those individuals in the Senate or Congress or party that constantly oppose this President will be relevant again.


The re-election of Barack should not come as a shock, that this momentum behind Barack, the facts were behind him, the truth was behind him and the lies that threw, all the money that they threw at this election could not defeat the truth. And the truth is that President Barack Obama is a true leader, a nation healer in times of crisis, a warrior if forces and most important of all really caring for all the world's people.

Naz’e    1/26/201


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