naze00011 | Poetry Vibe
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Misfit is me



Views: 104

Misfit is me...


the one they said had big eyes,

the one they said that had a big nose,

the one that no one would talk to 

because of the way I spoke.


Misfit is me...


I couldn't get a girl to like me if I had a wish,

they said I looked uglyish,

they said that they would rather date a dead fish.


Misfit is me...


I was a gentleman,

I was kind,

I gave my time to heal others wounds.


But what the girls wanted was the bad dudes,

the ones that would beat them, cheat on them and

call them hoes.


Yet they still choose them over me, the misfit that is me.


They made fun of my clothes little did they know my 

Mom was alone.


They made fun of my shoes, little did they know my 

Mom did the best she could.


They made fun of my facial features little did they 

know all that would change and I went from butt ugly 

to being the catch of the day.


But all this was from elementary through high school.


I shed a lot of tears,

I was so alone for so many years,

I so many times just wanted to die.


But somehow a little thing called poetry 

found me and healed me through the 

worst storm periods of puberty.


Misfit is no longer me...


Naz'e 7/4/2019


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