naze00011 | Poetry Vibe
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The gentle touch of the ocean



Views: 104

The gentle touch of the ocean


The waves are crashing against the shore...


And yet there she is as if she's all alone... the water 

washing her very lovely and sexy toes.


Audrey is wearing a light and soft white dress, her hair 

hanging down, I see a smile glowing as she plays with 

the water with her hands.


The sun is bright, there are some clouds in the sky.


The gentleness of the ocean releases a calm that 

we all need.


I want to rush to her and grab her, touch her and 

make love to her with the rushing tide upon us.


But I'm going to just enjoy this and take it in.


The smell of the sea is so hypnotizing 

and soothing.


We played back and forth with each other.


Splashing water, throwing sand and sharing a 

laughter that is so warm and true.


I can feel the heat rising within us.


Audrey come and share this ocean's vastness 

with me. Yes, I mean love... I can't fight this anymore...


Let's take our time and meet our bodies warming 

us and filling each other in the intimate 

moment with the ocean hiding us...


As the intimate desire of us takes place.




July 11th 2019


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