naze00011 | Poetry Vibe
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The Content for Communication


just different

Views: 80

The Content for Communication

Literally we are here to share information 

that will please our ears, but there are 

some forms that hurt our heart the most.


Sometimes our reaction is too painful to 

conceive, having us go into our cave and 

some of us into our graves.




Grandiose is the concept, keeping us perplexed 

in its movement. Feeling and fleeing the words 

that are sent by lips or text, we human beings 

are so, so complex.


We can even express ourselves in so many forms. 


The content for communication is very important.


It matters what we say,

it matters how we say it,

it matters the words that we use,

it matters if those words are used 

to abuse.


It matters how love is expressed,

it matters when the heart is pressed,

It matters the words that we use when we dream,

It matters because communication is always the key.


Naz'e 6/4/19


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