naze00011 | Poetry Vibe
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Flames turned into a flint



Views: 95

Flames turned into a flint

I love you

I miss you

I need you


I want you

I adore you

I lost you


So many years have passed, and yet your presence still everlast's.


I miss everything about you, about us about what the future was supposed to behold.


Now the scars in my heart might have mended but they still bleed because you are not with me.


Can Saturn be without its rings?


Can the Earth be in harmony without the moon,


There is simply no existence of our love, passionate coupling, being in the existence of heaven without you.


I love you,

I miss you,


I exist... without existing as you are hundreds of miles away


I am found but lost as another may touch you in the similarities that I did.


Carrying a wounded soul because of the love that was burning fiercely as the Sun but now those flames have turned to a flint.


My cries still go into a well that is kept silent because there's no way to let them fall on your shoulder for you to know the pain and loss that is truly there, the magnitude of my deep and earnest love for you.


until we meet in heaven my love, in God's glowing light.


I bid you Adieu....


I will always love you,

I will always miss you,

I will always want you.


Naz'e 7/1/2019


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