naze00011 | Poetry Vibe
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Blackness Vanished



Views: 87

“Blackness Vanished”


My blackness is vanishing 

by the minute, the hour,

the days and the weeks.


If you have not seen it,

If you have not felt it,

If you have not heard it.


Then wake up!


Shake the keeping up 

with the “Jones” And 

being an “Uncle Tom” 

flesh off of you. 


Our culture, 

Our pride, 

Our heritage 

Is in danger.


Fighting the power has now 

become fighting ourselves, 


fighting our own kind

who’s on the night train

but passes themselves off

to be another form of 

black so they can concoct

sabotaging ways to launch 

they’re attack.


My blackness is vanishing 

not because of me.


I know who I am,


I know were my 

origin is from,


I know the sacrifices 

that were made.,


I am proud of who I am,


I am proud of the 

Land I come from.





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